Monday, February 17, 2014

New Builds Have Advantages

Sometimes you want to buy an already established home so that you can move right in and go from the day it is yours. New home builds have some upsides to them as well even if it isn’t ready the day you close.

You have the ability to personalize and customize your home from the start. There are plenty of upgrades, design choices, and color ideas that can really make this house your new home.

Your home with be up-to-date with all codes and safety features. This will allow for your house to pass inspections without any fixes if done right! This should set your mind at ease instead of waiting for the list of things to be fixed to come back.

Maintenance and repairs should be almost non-existent during the first couple year or so. The items they are using are brand new, and most likely energy efficient or green. This will end up saving you instead of costing you.

Builders most often times provide a warranty. Warranties are good. When you buy an established home the previous seller may opt to buy you a warranty the first year, but that is if you are lucky. Within reason there might be some things to go wrong as the house settles and gets “lived in” so builders are happy to make adjustments to make them right.

There are other benefits to new builds are we are more than happy to help you get the answers to your questions. Give us a call and let us help you decide what is right for you.


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