Friday, June 20, 2014

Landscaping Gone Wild!

When it comes to you may want to have landscaping that is beautiful and ornate.  This could still mean different things for different people. Above all of it there are still things to consider!

Trees - when they are planted they are usually small so that you can't predict potential issues. Will it hit power lines? Will it block visibility to your driveway of cars trying to exit?  Is it going to create any issues with root growth.  There is plenty to consider, so try to think through placement.

Shrubs - will they grow tall or wide? Will they hinder any visibility? Do they lose foliage so that it will be bare certain times of year? Will they bud and cause a smell that you enjoy? Again - plenty of things to play attention to!

Flower beds - are they on top or in front of any electrical boxes or water meters? If so make sure they are visible to the eye and you plant items accordingly so that they don't ruin stuff to be able to do their job.

All these things are great - but are they going to be as amazing in a couple years?


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